Today is graduation day for many of the Auckland Uni students. During my lunch break, I was admiring the robes and the different colours (each representing a different school such as Law, Business or Engineering) as the graduates were walking along Queen Street, usually surrounded by proud family members, their hands full of huge bouquets. I love this sense of tradition, which ironically is much more developped in this young country than back in France. I wish we had such ceremonies in France to mark the important milestones, to create a rite of passage. I loved the citizenship ceremony we went through when we became kiwis, I’ll have to tell you about it one day.
And yesterday was my boy’s second birthday. 2 years since I’ve become a mum. I was so full of love and so emotional when we sang Happy Birthday at the exact time I was pushing him out of me 2 years ago… He’s a little man already, with definite tastes and a strong personality. I’m proud of the job I’ve done so far, even if this pride is somehow shadowed by a sense of loss. Loss of my inner person, loss of the relationship I had with DP before we became parents. Hopefully these will be able to resurrect one day, once we’ve got through the first demanding years of raising young children, as precious as these moments are.
PS Happy birthday Alma...
1 commentaire:
Happy Birthday, little man!!
Deux ans, wow, c'est vraiment un tournant. Et les terrible twos hum, enjoy!
Moi aussi, à chaque graduation, je regrette que la France ne sache marquer symboliquement le passage d'un cycle à l'autre dans la vie des jeunes. Du collège au lycée, du lycée à l'université. Aucune remise de diplôme (ou alors il faut attendre la thèse...). Je me demande pourquoi nous n'avons pas (ou plus) le sens des rites de passage. J'ai le souvenir déplaisant de "fins" inachevées; après le bac, par exemple, l'absence de conclusion de tant d'années de lycée m'avait laissée en attente, confuse, déçue. Quand je vois l'importance des cérémonies ici, ça me laisse rêveuse.
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